It seems there are almost as many agencies as Starbucks. In fact, some of them are in Starbucks.
Anyway, when I have the luxury of deciding which ones I want to work for, there are several criteria I take into consideration before taking the gig.
First and most obvious is the caliber of the work. Is it smart, entertaining, memorable and effective. You know, like me.
Next, the caliber of people. Besides knowing what they're doing—which is far rarer than you think—are they people I want to work with, that I want with me in the trenches. I don't have to have drinks with them after work or share our deepest secrets, but I don't want to be stuck with people I can't stand for the length of the assignment.
Location, location, location. I've had offers from agencies in cities all over the place, for example New York, Detroit, San Francisco, San Diego and Bakersfield. Guess which one I said no to?
After all how many pickup trucks and country stations can a city boy take, amiright?
But it finally dawned on me there's another important factor to think about before making any employment decisions. Do they serve a breakfast burrito, and how good is it.
When I worked at Chiat, the breakfast burritos were exceptional. Dare I say even good enough to get me in to work early on occasion. Chiat has their own restaurant upstairs (note to all other agencies), so not only could I order a breakfast burrito, I could get it exactly the way I wanted it.
As an only child, having it the way I want it is something I just take for granted.
The agency I'm currently at serves breakfast to the employees once every couple weeks. Today was my lucky day—it happened to be breakfast burritos. They weren't bad, but they weren't custom either.
To make it easier, they color-coded the wrappers. The red was made with ham, the green with bacon and the black with no meat at all (that's just crazy talk).
They were cut in half like the picture, and there was hot sauce and sour cream in bowls next to them—that's about as customized as they got.
Still, since my agency's tsunami adjacent, I can look out the window at the ocean, or eat out on the patio and feel the breeze, and somehow it makes the burrito taste much better than it otherwise would.
What am I saying? Just that if you're serving a quality breakfast burrito, odds are you're going to attract a higher caliber of talent.
And if you have Taco Tuesdays, dammit, I'll sign on the line.