I take a lot of heat from my friends, who I call "real writers" because they are, about the fact I don't post to this blog with any kind of regularity. Clearly they've forgotten that I hold the well-earned title for the least disciplined writer they know. If it's any consolation, and I'm not sure why it should be, it's not the only thing I do without any regularity.
Saving money, buying new clothes, changing the oil in my car, good parenting. It's a long list.
At least when I do manage to have a thought rattling around and write about it, I usually have something to say. Usually being the operative word.
Anyway, I'd like to wrap up this post with some clever, snappy line. But to do that, I'd have to think about it more, and that might jeopardize my least disciplined writer status.
What I might do is take a second to go back over this post and see if there's anything I want to revise.
As I look at it, I think a good place to start would be the part about how I usually have something to say.