It's not the first time I've heard them. And, sad but true, it won't be the last. It never ceases to amaze me that someone can actually have such a lack of situational awareness that they say them out loud in front of other people.
The comments usually come from an account person, more often than not a junior one (although in my case it was a senior person. The definition of "senior" can range anywhere from surviving the last round of lay-offs to going to the same college as the client's wife).
I presented an ad with a headline I liked a lot. Clever. Unexpected. Something different for the brand, yet still in character.
First, with a straight face, the account person said, "I don't get it."
I'll wait while every copywriter reading this nods their head in recognition.
Fortunately for account people, when a headline's cleared for takeoff over their head, and they don't like the glare of the spotlight for being the only one in the room who doesn't get it, they have a go-to follow up comment they can always take refuge in.
"People might have to think about it for a minute."
Well, we wouldn't want that would we? Thinking bad.
Since this particular shop is an account driven agency, can you guess how the story ends? Of course you can. Since the account person "didn't get it", she generously offered up a suggestion as to how it might read.
Let's just say it wasn't exactly a "why-didn't-I-think-of-that" moment for me.
So she got her way. Thanks to her suggestion, the headline got dumbed down. Way down. But at least she can take comfort in the fact that now there's absolutely no risk of anyone having to think about it.
In fact, there's no risk of anyone reading it.