You have no idea.
Anyway, you can probably tell from the title it deals with why we can't always do what we want when we want to do it.
Or when other people want us to.
The gist of it is, no matter how good your intentions, nothing happens until you're ready.
If you've ever tried to quit smoking, lose weight, write a screenplay, ask someone out, clean the garage or whatever, despite the necessity of the task, you won't be able to complete or even start it until you're ready.
The Supremes said it best. You can't hurry love, you just have to wait.
The good news is when you least expect it, suddenly you'll find yourself doing the thing you've been meaning to do. Or well intentioned friends have been wanting you to do.
And you'll succeed because you're ready.
This shouldn't be confused for an excuse not to do anything. After all people, show a little initiative.
When you're ready.