They want you to grow creatively and intellectually. They believe if your horizons are widened, you'll have a deeper well to draw ideas from. It's one of the many ways they nurture, grow and invest in their employees.
Nah, I'm just messing with you. They don't give a shit.
Still, as you go through the agency day, there's no shortage of teachable moments. You just have to have a little situational awareness, keep your eyes and ears open and be willing to recognize them.
For example, the first time you go over budget on a spot.
The first time you're at a client meeting and your work sells but the creative director's doesn't.
When you park in one of the executive's spaces.
The day that campaign you slaved over wins a Gold Pencil, and you find out your name wasn't even on the entry form.
Giving the creative director an honest answer when they ask "What do you think?"
Giving the client an honest answer when they ask "What do you think?"
Asking the planner if they know account people actually used to do their job.
There are many, many more examples. But here's the point. Every waking, breathing moment in an agency is a teachable one. You can learn about people, what makes them tick, anger management, how to approach sensitive topics and exactly what's required to look busy as a new business prospect tours the agency.
There's no doubt about it. It's some of the best preparation for when you get a real job.