Showing posts with label rambling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rambling. Show all posts

Friday, February 20, 2015

Driven to it

The older I get, the more I think I shouldn't start blogposts with "the older I get." It just makes me think about how old I'm getting, then I get depressed and want to move on to something else.

Instead, I'll start with the longer I do, no. Wait a minute. That just makes me think how long I've been doing this. Not that writing blogposts is something I mind doing - I quite enjoy it.

There are things I enjoy more of course. I could give you a list of things I enjoy more.

Speaking of lists, I find it's always easier when I go shopping to make a list and stick to it. If I don't, then I shop with the if one is good two is better approach, and wind up coming home with bags and bags of groceries and household cleaning items I don't want or need.

And what is it with all the laws outlawing plastic bags anyway? Seriously, they were easier to carry and I recycled them much more than paper ones. Some tree-hugger sees a plastic bag blowing across the freeway and now we all have to pay ten cents a bag for the paper ones. As if the ten cents a bag the stores now charge is going anywhere except their bottom line.

While we're talking about freeways, what's the deal with all the construction? Seems like by the time the new lanes and transition roads get built, traffic will have caught up and they'll be obsolete.

Here's a thought - what happens when we the word obsolete becomes obsolete? Then what word will we use to describe it? Makes you think doesn't it.

I think it's odd avocados are really a fruit. You never really see them in a fruit-friendly environment. Guacamole? On top of BBQ chicken salads at CPK?

Funny how some restaurants just go by their initials. We don't call Five Guys FG, but sometimes we call McDonald's Mickey D's or Club Mac. Which sort of sounds like Club Med.

Whatever happened to Club Med anyway? Their commercials used to be great, and the resorts looked awesome. I never liked the all-in-one pricing, although I see the appeal of it. I remember they had lots of resorts, but if I ever went to one I'd choose one out of the United States, because I'm already here and it wouldn't feel like traveling unless I went to another country.

Here's the thing about other countries - they have a different word for everything. In London, an elevator is a lift. In the U.S. a lift is a ride, except when it's not. Lift could mean carry. But why would you carry an elevator, especially up stairs? That doesn't make sense.

Time to write my post about distraction. Right after I catch up on the shows on my DVR.

Wow, look at that sunset...