Showing posts with label Krispy Kreme. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Krispy Kreme. Show all posts

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Hurts donut

This is why the terrorists are going to win. We're going to do it for them.

A chef named Charlie Boghosian at a place called Chicken Charlie's (it gets more appetizing by the second) wondered what would happen if he crossed a Krispy Kreme donut with a Sloppy Joe sandwich. You're looking at his answer.

Coming as absolutely no surprise, Charlie is a vendor of fried foods at the San Diego County Fair. And this little beauty sits right next to his other deep-fried culinary creations: Twinkies, bacon-wrapped pickles and fried Kool-Aid (you heard me).

Spokespeople for the Krispy Kreme corporation have been frantically denying they have anything to do with this abomination of a sandwich. As heart-stopping good as it may be, apparently they don't want to sully their reputation for healthier fare.

I have to admit I'm curious. Not for an entire one, but I have to say I wouldn't mind taking a bite. You know, for the same reason I saw Sinatra before he died.

Just so I could say I did.

Anyway, I don't know if I trust Charlie entirely. Sure he fries everything he comes near in the kitchen, but he does it with a fervor that might be bordering on crazy.

In fact, the last person to buy one insisted he had a glazed look in his eyes.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Let's do lunch

Like most parents, I want my kids to realize all of their dreams and have all the things I never did. I want them to have a really good life, one that brings them as much happiness as humanly possible.

I also want them to be better people than I am. From the looks of it so far, that's going to be a cakewalk for them.

The other morning was my turn to drive the kids to school. They go to school seven and a half miles from our house, which for those of you keeping score is a fifteen mile round trip. Don't get me started. Anyway, at the freeway offramp we use to get there, there's always a homeless person sitting there. It's not always the same one. They, along with the standard-issue sad-eyed dog and cardboard sign, usually work the ramp a few days in a row before the shift change.

I call it Homeless Depot.

This particular morning my son had to bring a dozen Krispy Kreme donuts to school. We bought two dozen, because we wanted to have a few for ourselves on the way up (we love donut mornings around here). By the time we reached the red light at the top of the offramp, we had half a dozen extra donuts left.

My daughter said, "Dad, give him the donuts."

It took me a minute to realize who "him" was, but then I handed the donut box out the window to the homeless man who gratefully blessed our day and took them.

The next day before she left for school, my daughter put together a lunch for our homeless friend. A real lunch - sandwich, plenty of snacks, several water bottles. My wife took her to school so I didn't actually get to see her give him the lunch, but I heard all about it. He was visibly touched. My daughter and him exchanged God-bless-you's at the same time.

One of my daughter's many strengths is her kind and caring heart (definitely from her mother's side). It's hard to conceive how so much love can fit in one little girl.

But it does. And it only goes to prove what I've known since she arrived.

That she's as beautiful inside as she is outside.