Don't get me wrong, between Wall Street, both political parties, big pharmaceutical companies, police training, Donald Trump and Kim Kardashian there's a lot to be cynical about.
But sometimes, for myself anyway, I find that intentionally or not, I'm a little too immersed in my own cynicism. I'll use it as a launchpad for some sarcastic line, usually a cheap - albeit very clever and original - shot. Sometimes I'm in it so deep, I forget there are reasons to suspend at least part of my cynicism every once in awhile.
There are still people living by the Golden Rule: treat others as you'd like to be treated. And every once in awhile, it's nice to have my faith in humanity restored.
I work in advertising: it doesn't happen nearly often enough.
Anyway, when I see videos like these, some which you may have seen, they make me feel something I haven't felt about humanity in awhile.