Saturday, January 1, 2011

The finish line

I do it every year.

The resolution about losing weight.

And before the clock strikes midnight on New Year's, I also do something else every year.

I pack it away like Oprah in a cupcake factory.

I'm not proud. I'm not hungry either.

It's just that I know with the resolution made and the food deadline looming, I want to make sure and stuff my face while I still can.

Without the least bit of the restraint or will-power I've resolved to exhibit in the new year, the run up to midnight is filled with cramming down every last bit of sugar-filled, cholesterol-causing, artery-clogging, waist-growing, clothes-tightening, mirror-avoiding food I can possibly get my hands and mouth on.

I'm like a runaway train. Except my train is all dining cars.

I know what you're thinking - it can't possibly be that bad. The reason I know is because that's what I thought too. Right up until I got on the scale this morning.

Truth be told, it's not quite as dire and desperate as I've made it sound. And even if it were, it's a new year and I'm on it.

After all, I made a resolution. What could possibly go wrong?


mardizzy said...

maybe you should get into more litigation. know what i'm sayin'?

Jeff said...

I hear you.

Melissa Maris said...

"I'm like a runaway train. Except my train is all dining cars." Brilliant.

I wonder if my resolution to meditate more is what sparked the *crazy* unbalanced binge I've been on for the last week...