Friday, December 31, 2010

11 is a lucky number

This won't come as a shock to anyone who knows me, but I'm not usually a cup-half-full kind of guy.

Yet as we approach 2011, I have a strange feeling about it. At first I thought it was gas. Turns out it's optimism.

I don't want to go into too much examination and analysis about it, because, you know, why kill the mood? Suffice it to say I think the coming year holds very good things for my family, my friends and myself.

So as all of us here at Rotation And Balance World Headquarters wrap up the first decade in the new millennium, I want to wish each and every one of you a Happy New Year.

Well, almost each and every one of you. You know who you are.

1 comment:

Melissa Maris said...

Happy New Year. Sorry to type that in a blog comment instead of sending you a card with the sentiment.

I am now convinced that a lot of my past optimism was, in fact, just gas. Thanks.