Monday, July 25, 2011

Lack of discipline

Yeah, whatever.

I joke a lot about being the least disciplined writer you know. The only reason I do this is because I'm the least disciplined writer you know.

My friend Rich, an excellent, prolific writer and blogger in his own right recently reprimanded me for not posting more often to my blog. To which I think, "Hey hey, slow down there Shakespeare, we can't all do four posts a week."

I know he means well, and he's paying me a compliment by wanting to read more of my posts. But the truth is, well, the truth is I'm the least disciplined writer you know. Yet when I'm working at a real job, I always deliver.

That's because all the zeros on those checks sure are pretty. And I've always been a sucker for a check that clears. Don't get me wrong, I don't just do jobs for money. I do them for the love. The love of the money.

So, I'll try harder. I'll start posting more. I'll tear down this wall (Reagan would be so proud) and stop censoring myself. I will post the things I don't think I should post.

I'll get right on it. Tomorrow.


Janice MacLeod said...

It would be easier if we got paid. Soooo much easier.

Melissa Maris said...

I thought I was the least disciplined writer I knew.

Jeff said...

Mel, you can be the 2nd least disciplined writer you know. And I had to wake up from a nap just to write that.

Melissa Maris said...


Anonymous said...

im hearing you here!! im turning into a "will write tomorrow, i promise" writer. I actually write more in my head than i do on paper, which is not fair for the readers.