Saturday, September 3, 2011

My unlikely friend Mel

My friend Mel - short for Melissa - had the can tied to her at Yahoo this week, along with the rest of her department. I felt a literal pang of sympathy when I heard about it. Everyone in advertising has been through it and we all know what it feels like.

If you get laid off in advertising all it means is you showed up.

Anyway, it was interesting to me for two reasons: first, now there might be freelance work at Yahoo (see what I did there?). And second, sympathizing with Mel for this or any other reason isn't something I would've ever pictured myself doing not that long ago.

I always read my close, personal friend Janice's blog. I noticed on virtually every post she'd get a comment from someone named Mel, who I'd never heard of and she'd never mentioned despite the fact she was my office wife at Y&R. Come to find out Mel was a friend she used to work with.

Anyway, Mel would constantly leave comments on Janice's posts. Comments I'd often disagree with. Comments I'd almost always be compelled to comment on, usually in that subtle and tactful way anyone who knows me has come to expect. (btw, still waiting for that "unsend" button.)

Suffice to say it wasn't always the most positive or friendly feedback.

Eventually this back and forth got so heated, the three of us decided to meet for dinner so we could each see who was behind the comments. Needless to say, I approached the dinner cautiously (insert joke about me "approaching food cautiously for the first time in my life" here).

Long story short - although I have a feeling it may be too late for that - is that we all had a great dinner and Mel and I hugged it out.

Now I read her blog regularly, and we're pals online, through the occasional email and probably in real life if and when our paths cross again.

It's amazing what you can discover about a person once you give yourself and them a chance. Since I've gotten to know Mel a bit I see how many great things she has to offer.

In fact, there are two things in particular I really like about her: how often she reads my blog, and how often she comments on it.

Ironic ain't it.


Melissa Maris said...

Hahaha your ending cracked me up...but the beginning literally made me teary. Thank you for this sweet post and for your sympathy about my layoff. Not sure yet where I stand on that situation - I may not even need sympathy!

I will always read your blog. I will always comment. I'm so very glad you've finally come to terms with that reality. And I so appreciate your visits to my blog, even if a lot of them are silent.

Jeff said...

You laughed, you cried. This post has everything - it works on so many levels. As far as sympathy, you're probably right - something tells me this is going to work out just fine for you. I've never left a job where things didn't get better. Besides, Google is kicking Yahoo's ass. It's only a matter of time before whoever let you go is out on the street themselves. Oh yes, thanks for the comment (see what I did there?).

Anonymous said...

I've never left a job where things didn't get better either ~ Mel, I read your blog (as well as Jeff's and Janice's)! I feel like I know you even though I don't. I know undertakers aren't always "good company", but maybe I can join in on the next dinner date?!?! I think we all owe Ms. Janice a round of applause for bringing so many blogger's together!!! Jeff ~ LOVE the photo on this post. Cute cute cute!!!

Jeff said...

I think my favorite undertaker would make great company for dinner. Glad you like the pic - it was going to be the lion and the lamb, but you know, that's so 500 B.C.

Janice MacLeod said...

I agree with Jeff. I love getting comments from Mel. If she doesn't leave a comment, I wonder if the Comment button is working right. It reminds me that there are actually people out there visiting my acre of cyberspace. And I'm glad you hugged it out.