Sunday, January 29, 2012

Cutting corners

When I was growing up, making the bed was an art form. Despite the fact it was a daily chore, when done right it was also a daily accomplishment.

Whether it was called hospital corners or army style, it was what my parents expected every day before I left the house.

Judging by the way my kids leave their beds, it's apparently a lost art form.

Here's the thing - no one has it easier when it comes to making their bed than my kids do. It breaks down like this: the fitted sheet, the top sheet, and either a heavy comforter with a cover for winter or a lightweight one for summer. That's it.

No tucking in sheets, no blankets to corner. Just a sheet to pull up, a comforter to straighten out, and pillows to be placed. Everything in life should be so easy.

Just to see where it clocks in at, I've made both their beds. It can be done in 90 seconds - for both of them.

You see where I'm going here. Despite the fact we've spoiled our kids by making it easier than we ever had it, and easier than it has any right to be, for some reason they still can't get their beds made before they head off to school in the mornings.

It is endlessly frustrating to me. That is until I start thinking about all the other things my kids aren't doing. Like drugs. Neglecting their grades. Being disrespectful to friends and family. Staying up past their bedtimes. Smoking cigarettes. Going on websites they shouldn't be on.

It's all relative (see what I did there?). And they're great kids. So if they're too busy getting good grades and handling more on their plates than I ever had to at their age to make their beds, I'll make a point of finding a way to overlook it.

Maybe I'll even shoot for father of the year and do it for them.

Besides, I could use a little accomplishment right about now.

1 comment:

Melissa Maris said...

I had to walk uphill both ways before making my bed when I was a kid.

Actually, I don't think I started regularly making it until about 25. Maybe there's a correlation between the lack of bed-making and general good teenage behavior.