Yeah, whatever.
As you'll see in this post from a few years ago, I love DST. And now that we're in a post-shithole president world, it seems to me there are so many more important things to worry and complain about.
Not that it'll stop anyone from bitching about a few more hours of daylight.
You see where I'm going here? I think you do.
By the way, the reason you see where I'm going is because you have more daylight to see it. See what I did there?
How many times can use the word "see" in this intro? We'll see. BAM! Did it again.
Alright, enough of this foolishness. It's light out. I've got things to do. Enjoy the post. And if you have to, you can always go back to sleep after you read it.
I hope you're sitting down. I don't know how to break this to you, but my Jedi instincts tell me the best way is to just come right out and say it: there are a lot of babies and whiners on the internet.
I know, I'm as shocked as you are. Shocked.
If you've been on Facebook or Twitter in the last couple days, like me you've probably noticed an ungodly amount of posts talking about how much people hate daylight saving time. How they just. don't. understand. why we have to change the clocks at all. How they're soooooo tired because they lose one hour in 24 out of one day in 365.
I'd like to promise all of you complaining about it that this is not the worst thing that will ever happen in your life. Trust me.
As you might've guessed, I happen to be a big supporter of DST. And I can't even begin to understand why everyone else isn't. There are so many more reasons to like it than not.
Let's start at the wallet. The fact it's light until almost 9 means electric bills go down. Way down for at least six months. Who's against that? Whiners? Anyone?
Next, the hideous commute I'm up against every night seems to get a little easier, because for some odd reason drivers are able to navigate better when they can actually see the road and what's around them. Body shops don't do as well during DST, but they make it up when we Fall Back.
Finally, and this may just be me, but I seem to have more energy. The longer it's light out, the longer I think it's not time to settle in for the night. I'm out and about longer getting more done. Not just more of what I have to do, but more of what I want to do.
So for all the whiners out there bitching and moaning about switching All The Clocks In The House! ahead and losing your precious hour, I say this with love: just shut up.
You'll get your hour back in November.
Look at it this way. Now that the day's longer, you'll have more time to think of something else to complain about.
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