Thursday, September 16, 2010

Judgement day

There's an odd sort of posturing people do when they make a judgement about someone or something.

They dig their heels in. They don't like to be questioned about it. And they really don't like to be told they're wrong, even in the face of overwhelming evidence that they are.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess we all have friends who are like that. I know I do. They know what they know, even if what they know isn't right. Their patience for giving someone a second chance or admitting they might have been wro...wro....wrong about something is non-existent.

If you work in advertising, you know agencies are lousy with people like that. People who feel that just the act of making a decision is more important than the decision they make.

It's frustrating as hell.

But sometimes they really do believe that a bad idea is a good idea. That's even more frustrating.

I've already written here about the fact I have trouble cutting people slack sometimes. The good news is I keep learning the lesson over and over.

Not going to go into details, but there was a person I'd made a decision about. Based on a few things, I viewed them a certain way, put them in a certain box.

Come to find out that wasn't all there was to this person. I even wound up having a day of email exchanges that were funny, interesting, welcome and most of all unexpected.

I feel like I'm rambling a bit here (so what else is new?), but the bottom line is maybe once in awhile it pays to put the brakes on, attach the filter and think a little more before I dig my own heels in and make a decision or a judgement about something or someone with such brazen certainty.

This is good advice. Trust me, I know I'm right about this.


Janice MacLeod said...

I don't know. I think this is a BAD IDEA. That video... so good.

Melissa Maris said...

I love the last line. Funny how certain bloggers think alike when it comes to posting-topics...

I think certain people (um, give off vibes that cause them to get misjudged sometimes. So in a handful of cases, maybe it's more the fault of the judgee than the judger.

Just tryin' to make you feel better about yourself. :)