Thursday, April 14, 2011

Signing my life away

So remember the post about how I'd won a bid at auction for an LAPD ride-along? Well apparently the day is coming closer.

I thought I had until September to choose when I wanted to play cops and robbers (and gang members, and drug dealers....), but apparently the LAPD has a different timetable. Seems they want me to join them sometime in May. The date is still up to me, but just to expedite my decision making, I received the release I'll have to sign in order to do it.

Suddenly the term "signing my life away" has taken on a much more literal meaning. Ditto for the phrase "riding shotgun."

I've been thinking of this as a big adventure, which it will be. And while I've always known there's danger - or the potential of danger - involved, somehow I've managed to wish that thought out to the cornfield and just focus on the fact I get to ride around in a cop car for a few hours (it's the most focused I've been in years).

I'm thinking Tuesday, May 17th would be a good choice. My ride is supposed to be from 6:30 p.m. until 1:30 a.m., and it's going to be a full moon that night.

All sorts of crazy comes out on a full moon. We'll see what they think about that.

Meanwhile, I'd like my attorneys to start reviewing this release and find some loopholes.

Just in case they find me with some bulletholes.

1 comment:

Melissa Maris said...

Yikes! A full moon night?! You're brave.

My brother is a fireman and I've gone on a ride-along with him. Totally fun. There's nothing like the moment that siren kicks on and you find yourself flying through traffic on the wrong side of the street. Have fun!