Saturday, March 6, 2010

Another iPhone? iThink iMight be getting tired of this

I was on hold for the iPhone for a long time. The first generation just didn't have the features I needed. The Samsung I had at the time had a five megapixel camera, shot video, and - most importantly as I now know - was on the Verizon network. But I'm a Mac-based individual, so I decided to wait another year for the second generation. Because I knew when it got here, it'd have all the features I was hoping for.

Which, Apple being Apple, it didn't.

So I waited yet another year, and then finally, the third generation iPhone 3Gs arrived. With a slightly better but still not great camera (that shot video but not really great video). More but not a lot more memory. And like the other two generations before it, thanks to AT&T, free call-dropping.

In spite of all that, I made the decision I'd put in enough time waiting and took the plunge. And even with its shortcomings, I love it.

For starters, it's cured my case of phone envy. Because it's an iPhone and everything that implies. But now I'm starting to hear rumblings and rumors, and mock ups like this one are starting to pop up showing what people think the fourth generation might offer when it comes out this June or July. Things like an even better camera. Even bigger screen. Even more memory. Even better sound.

And damn it, it's all making me feel like I should've waited longer.

At least when Apple does this with the MacBook Pro I don't have to re-up for about three years. But every year for the iPhone? The sad thing is I know I'll be in line with everyone else at the Apple Store the first weekend it goes on sale.

I also know if they keep pulling this stunt every year, it'll definitely make me think different about Apple.

Just not the way they want me to.


Vicki said...

Having had a phone relationship with AT&T, I can say with great confidence: Wait for Verizon. At all costs, wait.

Anonymous said...

Yeah but Verizon has its faults too, sorry to say. I can always get reception near the hills when friends with Verizon cannot. The only thing that I don't like about my iPhone is that strangers are constantly asking to use it. iHate that. Oh, one other thing. Get the real thick, rubbery black cover with the waffle pattern. I regularly hand over my iPhone to an infant so she can play her baby flash cards app on it, and on a daily basis, she drops it, gnaws it, and all without damaging it. -- Angela

Janice MacLeod said...

Don't be quick to judge AT&T. I use their reputation for dropped calls to my advantage. When I'm tired of talking to someone I just hang up. Later on, I blame AT&T. It's wonderful.