Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Slack-cutting and the art of friendship

If you're here for the usual humorous post with the witty wrap up line, this isn't it. Don't say you weren't warned.

Today was a day of introspection. Not something I usually do, because seriously, if you know me at all you know nothing good can come of it.

Regardless, I was tossing over something my neighbor said: that he tries to treat everyone as if they have a broken heart. Okay, maybe a little Hallmark-y but I still found myself thinking about it weeks after he said it.

The truth is we could all stand to be nicer to each other. We could all be more considerate of each others feelings. We could all get over ourselves for a minute and put somebody else's needs first. Then maybe we could all lock arms, start swaying and sing freakin' Kumbaya.

Now, see that last sentence right there? That was my cynical side rearing its ugly head as it so often does. Not so much out of genuine skepticism, but more of a knee-jerk reaction to situations that make me somewhat uncomfortable and suspicious. Like, say, people being nice to each other for no apparent reason. I work in advertising agencies. I'm not used to that.

Unfortunately that same cynicism sometimes spills over into my friendships.

I know I'm a really good friend. But I also know I'm not an easy friend. I'm not high maintenance, but I do take a tough love approach to friendship. I don't suffer fools lightly, and I don't cut people nearly enough slack (just ask any of my former friends). For some reason, at some point I made the decision it was perfectly acceptable to expect their kindness, consideration and unconditional understanding in my weaker moments that I could only begrudgingly give them in theirs.

Maybe it comes from being an only child. Maybe it comes from the business I'm in. Maybe it comes from growing up on the mean streets of West L.A.(north of Wilshire).

I know this reads like I'm making amends here, which I'm not. Or that something big happened that set me down this course, which it didn't. Or that I want to pull a Sally Field and start screaming "You really like me!" which I don't. I was just thinking about what my neighbor said, and that maybe I could stand to be a little nicer overall. Make a character course correction. A deposit in the kharma bank.

I'm hoping this is the emotional equivalent of the truth about bad hair days: you see how bad your hair is, but no one else does. And no one else cares.

The lesson is probably as simple as treat others as you want to be treated. In fact I'm sure it is.

Still, every once in awhile as I'm on the outside looking in, I remind myself it's a lesson I need to keep learning.

Well, I see our hour is almost up. Don't worry, I promise the next post will be funnier.


Pete Wendy said...

Well Jeff, I think we've made some real progress here today.

Seriously, I know in my case, you're being a little hard on yourself. As I was going through the throes of deciding to and eventually closing my business, you were one of the strongest pillars holding me up. I didn't find much support at home, seeing as how I robbed them of our life savings. I got support from friends in chamber groups and such, but you know that only goes so deep. Think about those lengthy emails you wrote me. In particular, focus on the one after that lunch, where you told me that no matter what, I did a great thing and made a real difference. Then there was the other note where you pointed out that yeah, it's bad, but really exciting too, in that it could go in any number of positive directions.

Sorry, buddy. The heartless bastard shoe doesn't fit for me. Then again, maybe I'm just special.

Janice MacLeod said...

Thanks for the warning. You were right. Not funny... except for growing up on the mean streets of West LA (north of Wilshire).

You're a good friend. Sniffle sniffle hug hug.

Now can we stop being sentimental and start being funny again?

mardel said...

So this means you're gonna cut me some slack, right? Ya bastard.

Melissa Maris said...

Sheesh where was this post when I needed to read it like 2 weeks ago...?

It definitely can be challenging to keep from doling out tough love. It's my go-to move, too. But from now on I'll try to think about broken hearts before I open my mouth.

I'm so digging the soft, Jeff underbelly. :P